As of March 2022

This Privacy Policy is a binding agreement between you and East End Technologies Ltd. (the “Company”). By using our Services (as defined in our Terms), you agree to be bound by our Terms and this Privacy Policy in their entirety. If you do not agree to be bound by our Terms and this Privacy Policy, you are prohibited from using our Services.

Section 1. Definitions. Capitalized terms not defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Terms. The following capitalized terms used herein have the following meanings:

“CCPA” means the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018.

“Cookie” means a small file containing your preferences that is sent to your browser and sent back by your browser each time your browser accesses our servers.

“Cookie Technology” means cookies and all such similar technologies that collect information automatically when you are using our Services.

“Data Protection Laws” means GDPR, CCPA and all other applicable international, national, federal, state, provincial, and local laws, rules, regulations, directives, and governmental requirements currently in effect and as they become effective relating in any way to the privacy, confidentiality, or security of Personal Information, including without limitation, security breach notification laws; laws imposing minimum information security requirements; laws requiring the secure disposal of records containing certain Personal Information; and all other similar international, national, federal, state, provincial, and local laws, rules, regulations, directives, and governmental requirements.

“Device Information” means information related to the computer, mobile device or other system you utilize to access and use our Services, including the hardware model and the software systems on such device.

“GDPR” means the General Data Protection Regulation, (EU) 2016/679.

“Log Information” means information obtained in connection with the use of our Product, which we collect on our server logs, such as your Internet protocol address (IP Address), your geographic information (latitude and longitude when you access our Services), your search activity in connection with your use of our search functionality (the search terms you enter), the domain name of your Internet service provider (ISP), the Internet location from which you initiated a use of our Services and/or exited the use of our Services, the time and date of certain of your interactions with our Services, information about your device in connection with your use of our Services, such as hardware settings, browser language, system activity, crash event, and the date and time of your request and referral uniform resource locator (URL).

“Non-Personal Information” means information that does not specifically identify you, including without limitation, Device Information and Log Information, such as data related to the searches you perform utilizing our search functionality

“Personal Information” means information that you provide to us that personally identifies you, including, without limitation, your first and last name, email address, physical address, telephone number and billing information, but specifically excluding Device Information and Log Information.

“Terms” means our Terms of Service available here .

“Your Information” means the Personal Information and Non-Personal Information provided by you or collected from you or your computer and/or mobile device in connection with your use of our Services.

Section 2. About Our Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy is incorporated into our Terms and is a binding agreement between you and us. If you do not agree with this Privacy Policy or the Terms, you are prohibited from using our Services. This Privacy Policy describes our practices with respect to the information collected by us, including Your Information, by or through the Services, including how we collect, retain, process, and share Your Information in connection with your use of our Services, including without limitation, our search and discovery Apps. This Privacy Policy also sets forth how you may access, modify, delete, and gain further understanding into our sharing of Your Information. In connection with the provision of our Services, we may make use of Your Information.

Section 3. Summary. Collection. We collect Your Information in a variety of ways, including collecting information from you directly when you use of our Services, information derived from your computer systems and/or mobile devices when you use of our Services or by virtue of having downloaded our Services, and information obtained from third parties. In connection with your use of our Services, certain information may also be generated, such as the device ID or IP address from which you access our Services, as well as information regarding your use of our Services, such as search terms you enter in connection with your use of our search functionality and/or the types of our Content with which you interact.

a. Processing. Your Information is processed by us to:

  • provide you with the Services;
  • comply with applicable laws and other legal process, including all applicable Data Protection Laws;
  • serve you advertisements that are specific to you based on Your Information and preferences;
  • share Your Information with third parties to the extent needed to provide you with the Services and Third Party Products;
  • improve our Services, our business and/or Third Party Products, as well as the offerings and advertising of our clients and advertisers;
  • produce reports and other analytical insights for our business; and
  • ensure proper use of our Services in accordance with our Terms.

b. Retention. Your Information is retained by us only as long as is necessary to provide our Services to you and for the other purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy.

c. Sharing. Your Information may be shared by us with third parties, including our partners, affiliates, advertising clients, and providers of certain Service functionality and Third Party Products, such as our search functionality.

d. Accessibility. Depending on where you live and/or from where you access of Services and the Data Protection Laws applicable to you, you may have the right to inspect, modify, delete, and/or restrict the types of Your Information that we collect, including Personal Information and Non-Personal Information, as well as to learn with whom we have shared Your Information.

Section 4. Our Collection Practices. We collect information through our Services, both automatically in connection with the use of such Services and directly from our users, like you, when volunteered in connection with the use of our Services. We also collect information via Cookie Technologies and from third party sources. If you provide us with information, whether Personal Information or Non-Personal Information, we will collect it and use it in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Some examples of the types of Personal Information we collect include your name, email address, and social media login credentials, if you use them to sign up for our Services. We also collect information derived from your Content that you upload to the Services, if any. Information we collect from Cookie Technologies includes information about your use of the Internet, including websites visited by you, the time and dates of such visits, the types of Content you interact with on such websites, and your interactions with online advertising. Finally, certain third parties with which we have a relationship, including service providers, affiliates, partners, advertisers, and providers of Third Party Products may make information about you available to us and such information may either be Personal Information or Non-Personal Information. The nature of and means by which these third parties gather this information is subject to the privacy policies of the applicable third party.

Section 5. Our Use of Your Information. We use Your Information for a number of reasons, including:

  • to provide, maintain, improve, and develop our Services and our Content
  • to assist our Third Party Product providers in connection with their integration into our Services and the provision of our search functionality;
  • to improve our Services, our business and/or Third Party Products, as well as the offerings and advertising of our clients and advertisers;
  • to respond to you in connection with whatever requests, comments, and questions you provide us, including through contact information you might provide us, such as text or email;
  • to share it with third parties in connection with the provision of advertisements to you that are specific to you based on Your Information and preferences and/or may otherwise be of interest to you in connection with your use of the Services;
  • to share it with third parties to better customize our Content that we provide to you;
  • to produce reports and other analytical insights for our business, which reports may aggregate or anonymize information;
  • to comply with applicable laws and other legal process; and
  • to ensure proper use of our Services, including in accordance with our Terms.
We may combine your Personal Information with Non-Personal Information and other information we may obtain from third parties in connection with all of the foregoing uses and other legitimate purposes. If we do so, we will treat such combined information as Personal Information.
While we retain information related to the searches you perform utilizing our search functionality, including search terms you enter, we do not combine such information with any Personal Information. Additionally, our retention of such information is solely to ensure that our search functionality is performing correctly, to comply with applicable law, and to ensure that our search services provider is complying with its contractual requirements with us. We never use Your Information related to searches performed utilizing our search functionality for ad targeting, retargeting, audience creation or any other similar ancillary purpose not directly related to the core functionality of our search and discovery Apps.

Section 6. Information Retention. We retain Your Information only for as long as is necessary for us to fulfill our business purposes, unless a longer period is required by applicable law or legal request. However, in some cases, we choose to anonymize certain information you provide to us so that it can no longer be attributed to you if we would like to retain it for longer periods of time.

Section 7. Our Information Sharing Practices. We may share Your Information, including your Personal Information:

  • with our affiliates;
  • to prevent fraud or illegal activities;
  • to facilitate the function of Third Party Products;
  • as required by applicable law;
  • in connection with a sale or merger of us with another party; and/or
  • to advertisers and advertising networks we may work with from time to time.
We may also share Your Information if it is necessary to protect the safety, rights, or property of us, our users, or others, including our business partners and/or to investigate, prevent, or respond to suspected illegal or fraudulent activity. If law enforcement authorities, courts, or regulators, request Your Information or we are otherwise required to disclose information to comply with the law or to meet national security or law enforcement requirements, we may disclose any information we have about our users, including you. We may disclose information collected about our users, including Your Information, in connection with the protection and/or exercise of our legal rights and interests.
Personal Information about our users, including you, is not shared with any third party outside of the Company and its affiliated entities, except as specifically permitted in this Privacy Policy. If we do transfer Your Information, it is always undertaken in conformity with all Data Protection Laws.
We may share Your Information with third parties with whom we partner to provide the Services to the extent necessary for such third parties to assist us in fulfilling the Services or providing their own Third Party Products. When we share Your Information with third parties, we ensure that we have either entered into contracts with these third parties, or have otherwise taken steps to prevent such third parties from sharing Your Information, except in accordance with applicable law and solely necessary to perform on our behalf. If a third party collects Your Information in connection with your use of their Third Party Products, including without limitation our search functionality, Your Information will be treated in accordance with that third party’s terms of use and privacy policy, not our Terms or Privacy Policy.
We also reserve the right to transfer your Personal Information to a third party in connection with a corporate restructuring or a sale or merger of our business or parts thereof pertaining to our Services and/or Your Information (e.g., a sale, merger, or other transfer of assets).,
Lastly, our Services are generally provided to you for free and are supported by advertising that appears on or through our Services. To ensure we can continue to provide you with the Services for a free, we share Your Information with the advertisers and advertising networks we work with for these purposes. These companies may also (i) collect information about you, including Personal Information and Non-Personal Information, and (ii) use Cookie Technology in connection with your use our Services and their Third Party Products. Information about you that such advertisers and advertising networks gather about you will be treated in accordance with that third party’s terms of use and privacy policy, not our Terms or Privacy Policy.

Section 8 Your Privacy Rights. General. Depending on where you live, applicable Data Protection Laws may afford you certain statutory rights in relation to your Personal Information. Please contact us at if you wish to exercise these rights. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee we will be able to provide you access in all circumstances, but will endeavor to do so. In accordance with applicable Data Protection Laws, if we are unable to verify your identity or if we are required to retain Your Information by law, we may not be able to modify or remove Your Information. In all cases, we will remove your Personal Information in accordance with applicable law.

EEA-GDPR. In the European Economic Area (EEA), you may have the right to request access to your Personal Information that we retain, as well as to seek to update, delete, or correct this Personal Information. In accordance with GDPR, EEA residents have the right to restrict the Company’s use of their Personal Information and to lodge a complaint with local data protection authorities if a violation of privacy rights under the GDPR is believed to have occurred. If you are a resident of the EEA and believe we maintain your Personal Information within the scope of the GDPR, you may direct questions or complaints to us at To the extent that our processing of Your Information is subject to GDPR, we do so in reliance on your consent. If we have collected and processed your Personal Information on that basis, you may also withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us at
California. Under California’s "Shine The Light" law (Civ. Code Section 1798.83), users who are California residents may request from us, free of charge, a list of the Personal Information (if any) that we have disclosed to third parties for direct marketing purposes during in the preceding calendar year, as well as the names and addresses of such third parties. California residents may make such requests no more than once per year. If you would like to make a request, please contact us at Please note that we cannot accept requests through the telephone, mail or by facsimile. Also, notices that are not labeled or sent properly or that do not have complete information will not be answered. In the body of such request, you must put the statement "Your California Privacy Rights", as well as your name, street address, city, state and zip code and you must provide enough information for us to determine if this applies to you. Additionally, you must attest to the fact that you are a California resident and provide a current California address.
CCPA. CCPA also applies if you are a resident of California. The rights afforded to you under CCPA includes the right:
  • to access all data we collect about you;
  • to opt-out of our sale of any of Your Information to third parties;
  • to have us delete any your Personal Information (more specifically, personal data as defined by CCPA) that we have collected;
  • to know the categories of third parties to which we have sold data about you; and
  • to know the reason we have collected data about you (as is described in our Terms).
You can send your request for information to us at:

East End Technologies Ltd
Address: 10 Market St, #1150
Grand Cayman KY1-9006
Cayman Islands
Phone Number: 239-256-7491

You must confirm that you are a resident of the State of California when making your request. We may request that you provide further evidence as a resident of California before acting on your request to ensure we are dealing with the correct person. We will respond to your request within 45 days and will include the categories of third parties to which we have sold data about you. Please see the rest of this Privacy Policy and our Terms if you would like more information on why we have collected data about you.
If you are a California resident, CCPA also allows you may opt-out of our sale of any of the information we collect about you to third parties and to delete all such information. If you would like to elect to “Opt-Out” please email us at

Section 9. Privacy Practices of Third Parties. While applicable law obligates third parties engaged by and/or working with us to protect the privacy of certain types of data, we assume no responsibility for the actions or omissions of these third parties, whether they receive such information from us directly or otherwise. You should direct any questions you have about such third parties’ privacy practices and/or software directly to such third parties. In connection with your use of our Services, if you provide Your Information to third parties, such as providers of Third Party Products, or in connection with the download certain software from such third parties, you do so at your own risk. We disclaim all liability and assume no responsibility for the privacy practices of third parties, or the contents of any software downloaded from them.

Section 10. Cookie Technology. You can review general information about Cookies and Cookie Technologies and how to control and delete Cookies in various browsers, such as Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer and others, please visit By properly setting your preferences in your browser, you can control which and what types of Cookies are downloaded from the Services. While you may choose to opt out of receiving Cookies or other Cookie Technologies from us, please note that our Services may not function correctly without them.

When you use our Services, we will likely send your computer or mobile device a Cookie or pixel or beacon or other Cookie Technology that uniquely identifies your browser. We use the data derived from Cookie Technology to improve the quality of our Services and your use of those Services, such as to deliver our Services and our Content in your language of choice, to filter results, to deliver the Services in accordance with your preferences, and to analyze your interaction with our Services. For example, we track user trends and patterns of how people search. The Cookies we use can only be read by the server that placed them there. Many browsers are set up to accept Cookies unless the user changes the settings for Cookies.
In some cases, we may utilize web analytics companies to assist us in measuring the effectiveness of our Services. In order to do so, we also allow these third parties to include their own Cookies or Cookie Technology on the Services. Information collected by these web analytics companies from web beacons and Cookies includes click-throughs by users and other similar information. This information is used by us to improve our Services, including by understanding overall user preferences, click-through rates, means to improve our Services, and the types of offers that are of most interest to our users. Although this information is collected by third parties, it is done on our behalf and we retain control over the use of such information.
You can "opt-out" of receiving cookies from certain of our ad serving partners. For more information on how to do so, please visit:

Section 11. Data Protection. We maintain technical, physical, and administrative security measures designed to provide reasonable security for the information we collect and retain, including Your Information. We do so to protect Your Information against loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, and alteration. The security measures include the use of firewalls, data encryption, physical access controls to data centers we use, and information access authorization controls. Notwithstanding all of our precautions we take to prevent possible data breaches in our Services and databases, we still cannot guarantee that Your Information will remain completely secure. There can be no assurance that unauthorized hacking, access, data loss, or other breaches will never occur and disclaim all liability in connection with any such activities. Accordingly, as set forth in our Terms, your use of our Services is at your own risk. Notwithstanding our dedication to securing our systems and Services, you remain responsible for securing and maintaining the privacy of your password, if any, used in connection with your use of our Services. You should protect your Personal Information when you are on the Internet, including making sure you use a secure Internet browser.

Section 12. International Data Transfers. If you live outside Cayman Islands, you are hereby notified that the Company will transfer your Personal Information to countries other than the one in which you live. In particular, your Personal Information will be transferred to and processed in the Cayman Islands where many of our central databases operate. By using our Services, you are consenting to such cross-border data transfers of your Personal Data, as set forth in this Privacy Policy. By using the Services, you consent to your Personal Information being collected, processed and transferred as set forth in this Privacy Policy and Cayman Islands law and you acknowledge that the Data Protection Laws and other laws of other countries, such as Cayman Islands, may provide a less comprehensive or protective standard of protection than those in your country. The Company has entered into Standard Contractual Clauses to meet the adequacy and security requirements for our users in the European Union.

Section 13. Age Restriction. Our Services are not directed to children under the age of 13 (under 16 in the EEA). While we do not knowingly collect information, including Personal Information, from children under the age of 13 (under 16 in the EEA), in the event that we obtain actual knowledge that we have collected Personal Information from a child under the age of 13 (under 16 in the EEA), we will promptly delete it, unless we are legally obligated to retain such data. We request that you contact us immediately if you believe that we have mistakenly or unintentionally collected information from a child under the age of 13 (under 16 in the EEA). Additionally, we comply with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act; for more information the Act and children's privacy, please visit

Section 14. Updates and Amendment to this Privacy Policy. We reserve the right to update this Privacy Policy at any time. When we update this Privacy Policy, we will post the revised version on the Services and/or as otherwise provided for in the Terms. Your continued use of the Services after any such update constitutes your acceptance of the Privacy Policy, as revised.

Please periodically review this Privacy Policy for updates and to ensure that you are familiar with it. If you do not agree to this Privacy Policy, you must immediately discontinue accessing or using the Services. This Privacy Policy is not applicable to Third Party Products or other third party services available on or through the Services.

Section 15. Contact Us. If you have questions about this Privacy Policy, or if you would like access to the Personal Information we may have about you in our files, to correct, update or to have us delete it, or if you would like to notify us of your choice to opt-out of any sharing of your Personal Information, please contact us at For additional information to assist with protecting your data privacy, you may visit